Reconnect to your soul. Live your Divine Destiny.

Reconnect to your body & soul. Gain clarity in your life. Transform limiting beliefs holding you back. Bring love & acceptance to all parts of you. Set yourself FREE through the power of the breath.

It’s time to Reconnect to the truth of who you are & Rise into your Full Power...

Dear One,

Have you been caught up in the pressures of life or experiencing hardship, struggling in your relationships, and become disconnected with your spirit, your heart, your body, with nature & with source? When this happens we feel alone. We feel afraid. We think it's all up to us. We forget how to trust, we forget that we are loved, that we are supported, that we are worthy and that we have great power within & the ability to live a life of freedom.

A new life is possible for you. One where you feel connected to your body, regulated in your nervous system, attuned to your body’s wisdom and the cycles of nature, fully empowered to live your truth, and to make your wildest dreams a reality.

Through the power of the breath we can release patriarchal programming & reconnect to the truth of who we really are. When we reconnect to our spirit, our divine essence & innocence, & rise into our full potential & power, EVERYTHING changes. It is time to release the old ways of overriding our feelings, playing small, and forcing our way through life.

Take a deep breath with me & imagine feeling...

  • Safe & confident in your body

  • Unconditionally loving & accepting of yourself

  • Free from anxiety & fear

  • Empowered to move forward & create the life of your dreams

  • Able to speak your truth fearlessly set boundaries

  • Abundant & overflowing with joy

  • Total trust in your inner wisdom, your creativity, & in the unfolding of your life

  • Inner freedom & liberation

  • Grounded, present, & aligned with your path of highest light


I'm Dani & I'm so excited you're here!

I can't wait to support your transformation & return to love through the power of the breath & while you're here, I want to share with you how the power of Breathwork has transformed my life.
For many years of my life I was completely shut down & disconnected from my body & my inner truth. Due to the trauma I had experienced growing up, I acquired layers of protection & false identities in order to make sure I would be safe & be loved by those around me. This disconnection with my true self led to depression, anxiety, & unhealthy coping mechanisms. I had tried traditional therapy & medication, neither of which got to the root of what was really going on. 
In my very first Breathwork session I received YEARS worth of therapy & deep healing. Through gently clearing lifetimes of built up emotions, energy & trauma trapped in my body, I finally arrived more deeply into my body than I had ever experienced up until that point. I experienced deep peace, a profound love, and a deep connection to my Soul.  
As I continued my practice with a certified facilitator, I was able to reconnect to my inner truth through unraveling the societal and family conditioning I had taken on as a child. I was also able to bring awareness to the subconscious limiting beliefs ruling my life & began to change the stories. From here, my life began to COMPLETELY transform. Pure magic was happening in my life because I finally loved myself! This is when I knew I must bring the medicine of the breath to others.  
Since then, I became a Certified Breathwork Facilitator, have supported hundreds of people in bringing love to all parts of themselves, reconnecting with their Divine Essence, healing deep seated trauma, and transforming early imprints & beliefs holding them back... All through the gentle yet powerful healing modality of Breath! It is my deepest honor to now share this potent yet gentle medicine of Breathwork with YOU & support you into rising into your full potential and power.

1:1 Shamanic Breathwork Sessions

Discover deep healing, transformation, & a reconnection to your divine essence through the power of the breath.

  • Transform limiting beliefs that are holding you back so you can open to greater possibilities in your life

  • Access new levels of unconditional self love and acceptance

  • Bring awareness to and transform your birth trauma & early womb imprints

  • Transform your relationship with yourself & others

  • Heal & release trauma, old memories, emotions, & stagnant energy from the body

  • Experience inner child healing

  • Shed societal conditioning so that you can discover who you truly are

  • Reset the nervous system, release anxiety, & no longer live in fight, flight, or freeze

  • Activate your psychic gifts & abilities

  • Discover the magic within yourself & return home to the truth of who you are

  • Heal sexual trauma & conditioning and open to greater pleasure in your life

What Clients Are Saying…

  • "I am a spiritual counselor myself, and yet I was blown away at the depth I was able to go while Dani was by my side..."

    "Tonight I had a breath session with Danielle Rhem. I am an experienced healer with 15+ years of education and training in energy medicine, counseling, shamanism, yoga, meditation, and more. I am a spiritual counselor myself, and yet I was blown away at the depth I was able to go while Dani was by my side. Her sincerity and genuine care for others is evident in her soft spoken voice, gentle and patient pose, as well as her fiery, sturdy, grounded, power! If you have “stuff” coming up or just feel you need someone to show up and hold space for you, then definitely reach out and message her. You won't be disappointed. As with anything, you will only go as deep as you choose, ultimately it’s always up to you, but Dani is a safe & reliable facilitator and healer who can assist you in your transformation. Thanks again Angel Dani. I love you beyond!! Healers need healing too!"

    -Nicole Badgley

  • “When I first came to Dani for a breathwork session I was feeling so disconnected from my body…"

    “I felt like I had analyzed all my pain, challenges, & troubles. I felt this sense like I couldn’t feel. I couldn’t access the emotions that were inside of me.

    Never in my life had I sat in a space held by the feminine & felt as safe as I did with Dani. She really opened up my mind and my heart to what it means to feel again. For the first time in my adult life I feel like I was able to tap into the emotions that seemingly were not existent for me.

    This year for me has been a window into learning how to feel again and my sessions with Dani were the catalyst for that. I don’t say that lightly. Before our sessions I felt dormant and almost as if my life force was turned off… It came back on in our container.

    The work with Dani is not just a one time change it is a catalyst for much deeper change when you realize what is truly possible in the sessions. Dani transmits energy so beautifully, she holds space so magically, and the safety that I felt helped me go deeper than I have in a long time in my heart & in my body.”

    -Billy Garton Jr.

  • "Choosing to begin breathwork with Dani Rhem was the beginning of my journey toward healing and self-love..."

    “I am certain that I would not have made as much progress as I have today without her breathwork sessions. Dani holds a beautiful and safe space for all emotions to arise. She attentively listens as feelings are shared within a sacred circle of trust and gratitude. Dani is truly a gifted soul who radiates love into all that she does. She ensures that her breathwork circles promote peace, wellness, understanding of self and others, as well as personal alignment and enlightenment. I am consistently mesmerized by her tranquil demeanor and wish her continued success on her spiritual path to serve, heal, and inspire."

    -Victoria C

  • "Dani is an exceptional medicine woman. She exudes a calm yet strong confidence that instantly made me feel completely safe and comfortable..."

    “This deep sense of safety gave me full permission to fearlessly breathe into whatever was coming alive in the session. I had the most beautiful and awe-inspiring experience. The insights I gained have allowed me to see the self-imposed limitations I had been holding deeper than I had before. As a result I was able to recognize the reflexes my old traumas were causing, and it allowed me to remove power from those places that kept me in self-limiting expression. In short - Dani is an exceptionally gifted facilitator and space holder. I highly recommend her as a breathworker practitioner."

    -Leela Rae

You're only one breath away from your breakthrough...

Breathwork is a gentle healing modality that activates the subconscious mind & brings awareness & insights that are not as easily accessed through traditional therapy. It opens the energy channels in the body and allows for things that may have been repressed to come to the surface to be recognized & released. Our breath has the power to help us peel back the layers of false identities we have adopted throughout our life and return us to the truth of our being & the sacredness of our divinity. Through the breath, we remember who we are, why we came here, and our connection to all things. Increase your aliveness, self love, ability to manifest, physical mental, & emotional well being.